Transform Your Ideas into Reality with Unwiring Apps

Pick a Code-Kit or Share Your Custom Needs. From Apps to Websites to Software, We've Got You Covered. Your Vision, Our Skillset.

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Hello, my name is Tanmay Agarwal

I'm a tech visionary from India, who's passionate about simplifying complex technologies. At Unwiring Tech, we're not just dreaming of a better world; we're coding it into reality.

Youtuber (Mentor)
Portrait Tanmay Agarwal


Going beyond established norms and traditional limitations, I'm not just taking risks but defining new dimensions where others fear to tread.

Futurist Developer

I'm not just coding for today's needs but crafting solutions that are well ahead of their time, ensuring that what we build today will serve the requirements of tomorrow.

Disruptive Thinker

Where most see obstacles, I see opportunities for innovation. Challenges are just invitations for my creativity, and I'm always up for giving the usual a good shake.

Unwiring Apps - A New Dimension in Development

Why Us Over Others?

Unlike conventional service platforms, we offer specialized, ready-to-go Code-Kits. But we don't stop there. We're also equipped to build customized digital solutions tailored just for you.

Our Skill Arsenal

Don't limit yourself to our Code-Kits. We have a broad and ever-expanding skill set:

  • Mobile
    Android (Kotlin, Java), iOS
  • Web
    LAMP, Next.js, MERN Stack
  • Python
    FAST API, Data Scraping, Selenium Automation
  • Python Libraries
    Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, BeautifulSoup
  • And More
    WordPress, Flutter, and we're adding more as we grow.
React Native
Tauri (Desktop Applications)
Java Full Stack with Spring Boot

Custom Code-Kits

Not finding what you're looking for in our existing Code-Kits? We can create custom Code-Kits just for you. Just share your requirements, and consider it done.

See all Code-Kits

Let's Unwire Your Vision Together

So, your intuition led you here? Awesome. Let's talk tech. Hit that contact button, we can't wait to hear your plans!


Live Chat: Coming Soon!

We are working day and night to give you new features. Connect with us soon with live chat.